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Snow: While much of the country has escaped the effects of Winter for the bulk of 2014/2015’s season, we are seeing an appearance of snow across much of the nation right now. While for some this means fat biking in the woods, there are a few intrepid Winter cyclists that will still brave the wind-swept expanses of open fields on the bike of their choice. This Monday Motivation is a salute to those who won’t let a little white stuff slow them down.
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I did 45km on the snow covered trails Sunday, I saw 2 other people on bikes in the time. I should have used my 45Nrth tire but the conti snow tires did remarkably well!
Are those the 700-37 winter tires (no spikes, but lots of rubber grippy “things”)? I have them, but haven’t used them on snow covered roads/trails.
@Jason- The 45NRTH Gravdal tires are sold in non-studded and studded versions. The non-studded ones have stud pockets should you decide later to stud them.
Many tires are listed as Winter use tires that utilize a “million little grippers” idea instead of studs. The Continental Winter Contact and Michelin Star Grip tires are a couple examples of these kinds of Winter tires.