The Burleigh County Cup near Bismarck, North Dakota has opened up registration as of yesterday.

Description for the ride site:
“This will be a self supportedĀ eventĀ (there will not be a drop bag option this year, though you will be passing through the starting area at mile 60, so you can refuel then if needed) on the gravel roads (very hilly at times) of Burleigh County, just outside of Bismarck, North Dakota. There will be two distances: 35 miles (The Sippy Cup) designed for entry level riders and 75 miles (Burleigh County Cup). There will be a list of requirements and rules to follow (much of which are similar to Minnesota’s Almanzo 100) as well as suggestions and details of the ride.
This event is FREE of charge.
If you would like to enter the event and plan to join us on May 10, 2014 for a great day of riding, please send a post card with the following information on it:
Your Name
E-mail Address
Distance class (35 mile Sippy Cup or 75 Mile Burleigh County Cup)
Send them to:
BCC / Tyler Huber
1451 Omaha Drive
Bismarck, N.D. 58504
If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please contact us at BurleighCountyCup@gmail.com.”

If you have questions, comments, information, or have raced this before and would like to share your info or stories, go to the Riding Gravel Forum thread.
Do you have news about an event, a race, products, or anything else gravel-specific? Contact us!