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Andy and Guitar Ted do a little regular discussion and then are joined by special guest, Dave Pryor. Dave is the head honcho over at the unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley. He was on earlier in the year to discuss his plans to continue with the Covid-era unPAved event. They discussed protocols, plans, and other thoughts about October. This episode is a follow up to get some afterthoughts of how the event went. Plus, Dave gets in on the Gravel History segment. He’s always a great guest. Thanks for listening in!
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to us at Ben@RidingGravel.com or GuitarTed@RidingGravel.com.
Gulo Composites – https://www.ridinggravel.com/reviews-2/gulo-composites-grx-sl-wheelset-checkpoint/
unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley – https://www.unpavedpennsylvania.com/
Dave’s previous podcast appearance – https://www.ridinggravel.com/podcast/episode-53-unpaved/
John Ingham – https://www.ridinggravel.com/editorial/grit-courage-and-openness-versus-climate-change-can-riding-gravel-help-save-us/
Other news & reviews – https://www.ridinggravel.com/gravel-news/
Riding Gravel YouTube Page – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_0ocseQirfhQ1pzunFDyg
Riding Gravel Event Calendar: http://ridinggravel.com/events/
Riding Gravel Forum – http://ridinggravel.com/forum/
Stop in at Andy’s Bike Shop in Cedar Falls, Iowa when you’re in town – https://www.shopandysbikes.com/
Just recently found your site, thanks for all the work and info! As a black man of 54 years of age, getting back into cycling – I find your conversations encouraging. I often ponder the point of me training for races that run through rural locations in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. It’s hard being the only “face” in a crowd. It gets to a point where you feel defeated before you begin. Diversity in cycling has always been an issue since I started riding in ’83. But I love this sport, can’t give it up. Here’s to hope.
@Danny Odum – Thanks for the comments. We as a community have a lot to learn about the struggles that the Black community faces with regard to many things, not just gravel cycling. Thank you for taking the time here to illuminate those struggles a little bit for us here on Riding Gravel.
We’ve got a lot of work to do in this space at Riding Gravel, but we have pledged to strive to open ourselves up to learning and understanding these issues more. I hope that you feel compelled to continue to push into the gravel cycling arena and that (hopefully) you will find more openness and acceptance in the gravel community towards those who are from marginalized and minority peoples.
Thanks again – moving forward! I am registered for the Renegade Rambler (February) and the Open Range in April. It is similar to other oddball sports that I have enjoyed. I will find a sector of the community and work toward being a bridge. Your other website is down my alley, too. Was messing with a Tele while listening this morning. Rock on, Ride on!