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Editor’s Note: If you are a mountain biker at heart you know, or maybe have heard about, special tours and companies that serve mountain biker’s travel needs. Companies like Western Spirit Adventures comes to mind. Well, now you can go do a gravel tour, organized by a gravel aficionado, across the border in Canada. Check out the images and press release below.

(March 2, 2017): Nonesuch Cycle Tours is pleased to announce its arrival as North America’s first gravel-grinder/cyclocross adventure travel company, offering gravel and road adventures in cool weather climates. In 2017, Nonesuch will be offering one-week trips in Nova Scotia, travelling from the Bay of Fundy to the Northumberland Strait and back again. Riders will enjoy on-road van support and wraparound logistical support as they get in big miles on gravel and asphalt.
Nonesuch Cycle Tours was founded by longtime European bike touring guide, gravel aficionado, and mediocre cyclocrosser Peter Henry.
Henry’s motivation for the business came from his years spent juggling European bike touring work and his love of gravel. “I’ve worked close to 20 tours in Europe, and I’ve been incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity. I could do it because, in real life, I work a teaching job and have summers off.” Henry’s goal with his business was to provide an easier “international” tour. “At this point in my life, I’m trying to take what I’ve learned from working in Europe and offer tours for the gravel and ‘cross crowd, people who can’t get away from their jobs and families for more than a week.”
Nova Scotia seemed an ideal locale for the initial tours. “Halifax, Nova Scotia is a half-day’s journey from most places along the American East Coast, Southeast and Midwest. Since the tours run Saturday to Saturday, it’s now possible to do an “international” bike tour without burning too many vacation days or too much goodwill at home.”
Another major factor in choosing Nova Scotia was its climate. “Daily highs in Nova Scotia tend to be in the 70s during July, so it’s a good way to escape the heat and humidity of summer and get in some long days on the bike. As a native Virginian, I’m happy to be any place in summer that’s not Virginia.”
Base mileage for racing offers a nice dividend from the trips. A lifelong middle-of-the-B-field mountain bike and cyclocross racer, Henry does not overlook the advantages of big miles in July. But he (is) also quick to add “Good lord–this is a vacation! It’s about riding bikes on gravel, yes, but it’s also hopefully about drinking a beer and having a good time in a staggeringly beautiful part of the world. Protein shakes and compression socks will be mocked, and justifiably so.”
For more information, see www.nonesuchtours.com.
About Nonesuch Cycle Tours
Nonesuch Cycle Tours was founded in 2017, offering gravel- and road-bike adventures in cool weather climates.
Note: All information and images for this post were supplied by Nonesuch Tours.
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