Ergon GP1 Evo Grips: Quick Review – by Guitar Ted
Note: Ergon sent over a pair of their new GP1 Evo grips to Guitar Ted Productions for test and review at no charge. Guitar Ted was not paid nor bribed for this review and he will always strive to give his honest thoughts and views throughout.
The Ergon GP1 Evo grips were introduced about a month ago now (Here) and I’ve had enough time on them now for a bit of a Quick Review. So, check that link for the details on the price, design, and so-forth. This will be all about my impressions of this new grip.
They are very much like the original grip, but a bit better. A bit better feeling, a bit more forgiving, and a bit better design as well. Nothing “earth-shattering” here, but if you are an Ergon GP 1 user, and you need new grips, these will make you very happy. They didn’t “screw them up”. These are actually an evolutionary change for the good.
And if you’ve ever wondered what the fuss was about, well, while there are a lot of imitators out there, the Ergon GP1 Evo is what those grips are all chasing after, and none have done it any better, or as in many cases, they don’t even come close to being what a GP1 Evo is.
One thing I’ve found that trips a LOT of people up with regard to an Ergon grip, especially the winged ones, is that they are very position sensitive. You really have to spend some time dialing them in because if you do not, the Ergon grip may actually seem like the worst grip ever. There is a ‘sweet-spot’ and it pays to search for it, because once you do, it will make all the difference in the world.
At The Finish: Usually when you find a contact point component that you get on with, it either goes out of production or it is changed so radically that it no longer resembles that thing which fit you so well. (Ironically, I have a saddle review coming up that may reflect this very point)
That said, Ergon not only kept making its flagship GP1 grip, they actually made it better. This may be one of the only times that I can recall where some cycling product has been in production for almost 20 years and not only survives the times but changes for the better. Brooks B-17 saddles are another thing which I can think of here, but there aren’t many cycling items that can claim that sort of longevity and effectiveness.
Kudos to the Ergon team, and a heartfelt “Thank You!” for keeping the GP1 going and now made better with the Evo edition. This is the ergonomic grip that set the bar high and continues to do so into the future.
For more information on the new Ergon GP1 Evo click This Link