Posted in Gravel Riding Ride report

Ride Report: Riding Gravel in the Carrizo Plains

Located roughly between the farmlands of Bakersfield and the Central Coast of California is an area that I had heard of but never been to. It is not a place one would just drive by on the way to somewhere because it is pretty much in the middle of the proverbial nowhere.

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Posted in Gravel Races Ride report

Race Report: Salty Lizard 100

This race report is brought to you by the Salty Lizard 100’s Race director, Bobby Kennedy. The Salty Lizard 100 just took place in October

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Posted in Gravel Races Ride report

Ride Report: unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley 2021

The unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley happened again on October 10th and by all accounts, it was a rousing success, with a big turnout and lots of happy faces.

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Posted in Gravel News Gravel Races Ride report

Ride Report: unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley 2020

Had we told you in 2019 that an event with these protocols could be called a ‘success’, you may have sneered at such draconian measures being seen in that light. However; the unPAved of the Susquehanna River Valley ended up being one of the very few high profile gravel events happening at all in 2020.

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Posted in Gravel Races Ride report

Salty Lizard 100 Recap

The inaugural Salty Lizard 100 by Salty & Stupid Cycling happened on Saturday, Oct. 3, against all the odds, in the teeth of a global pandemic, and in defiance of a relentless recession in Wendover, UT/West Wendover, NV. But it happened – it happened – and when the dust settled, a new gravel destination emerged, emptied the moon-dust out of its shoes, and passed out in a lawn chair with an unopened Coke in hand.

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In the Saddle: 2019 Land Run 100

With the proliferation of gravel events across the country and around the world, a handful of iconic events have risen to nearly cult-like status. The Land Run 100 is one such event. Since 2013, gravel cyclists have flocked to Stillwater, Oklahoma to race on a course that’s often muddy, and always challenging.

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Heck of the North
Posted in Gravel News Gravel Races Gravel Riding Ride report

Ride Report: Heck of the North 2017

<Back to News Home | Editor’s Note: We at Riding Gravel are pleased to present another ride report. This time from our contributor, John Ingham,…

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Posted in Gravel News Gravel Races Ride report

Ride Report: Fiddlin’ Fifty

Editor’s Note: The Fiddlin’ Fifty, a race we did a “Featured Event” post on not long ago, was run recently in some pretty challenging conditions….

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